
Latest: Southern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast 2023

During the WCO Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2023, the WCO-SHAFFE Southern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast 2023 was presented to members along with market analysis. This preliminary forecast for the upcoming Southern Hemisphere citrus seasons consolidates production and export forecasts from  industry associations in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay.

Southern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast 2023 in numbers

Citrus production

  • Projected at 22.351.937 T
  • -2,02% compared to 2022

Orange production

  • Projected to decrease to 16.176434 T
  • -2,57% compared to 2022

Lemon production

  • Projected to decrease to 2.645.604 T
  • -1,22% compared to 2022

Grapefruit production

  • Projected to decrease to 451.120 T
  • -10,01% compared to 2022

Soft citrus production

  • Projected to increase to 3.078.779 T
  • +1,64% compared to 2022

Lime production (not included in the total)

  • Projected to increase to 1.975.000 T
  • +3,28% compared to 2022

Citrus exports

  • Projected to increase to 3.685.392 T
  • +2,32% compared to 2022

Citrus for juice 

  • 12.366.081 T destined for juice
  • -2,83% compared to 2022